Why You Should Schedule Nothing in Your Calendar

Why You Should Schedule Nothing in Your Calendar

Are you wondering if your calendar should have some empty space in it?

Do you want to have more flexibility in your daily routine and have more time for yourself at work and home?

Get ready, because I’m going to suggest a somewhat counterintuitive concept…

The advice is simply this: schedule nothing in your calendar.

What? Schedule absolutely nothing in your calendar?

You read that correctly: zero, zilch, nada, nothing!

Now, this doesn’t mean you should abandon all of your existing appointments, meetings or commitments, and cross-off everything from your calendar.

What it does mean, however, is that you simply block off a chunk of free time in your schedule.

You don’t have to fill this time with anything in particular.

Rather, it’s important you just leave the block of time completely free and available for you to use as you see fit.

That means no work commitments, no personal meetings, and no social events.

An interesting approach, huh?

In this post, you’ll learn just a few of the benefits that come from scheduling nothing in your calendar.

Be forewarned: once you try this tip, you might want to use it as often as you can…

You get a much-needed break.

Does it ever feel as if you never have time for yourself?

Are you constantly coming home from work or social outings, completely worn-out and tired?

It’s extremely difficult to keep working or playing for extended periods of time, be it for five hours or five months, without any breaks.

When you schedule nothing in your calendar, you ultimately give yourself permission to stop and take a break.

Remember, this is your life. Why run around ragged and exhausted, when you can be rested and refreshed?

Chances are, you could do with a good break from your many projects, assignments, or social functions.

And as you get ready to take your break, you’ll have one less thing in your calendar to worry about or fret over.

That’s not a bad deal, huh?

You get to take an objective view of your life.

When’s the last time you sat down and took a good hard look at how you are living your life?

It’s really easy to look at a calendar or schedule and see your blocked off appointments.

But are you actually spending your time in a way that matters to you?

Having a bunch of time on your hands allows you to view the rest of your life objectively.

You get to take a step away from the hustle and bustle of the workweek and rote weekend schedule.

You get to really look at yourself and what you’re doing through another set of lenses.

So, how are you spending your time? Is what you’re doing on a daily basis in line with your immediate goals?

What personal or professional goals are you working towards? How are things coming along?

You’ll learn a lot when you ask yourself these questions.

At the very least, you’ll get a refresher as to what is important to you…and what isn’t.

You get to be spontaneous.

Have you been longing for a bit more fun, spontaneity, creativity, and excitement in your days?

Having nothing planned in your schedule can really allow you to mix things up.

You can do whatever you so choose, without any prior planning or thought.

Plus, you don’t have to wait for free time to arrive: it’s already here, available, and ready for you to use.

So, if you’ve been meaning to throw planning to the wind and just dive into the day, get into it!

If you want to take a nap, take a nap. Want to go out for a walk in the park with your spouse? Go ahead.

Go to the movies, construct your very own scale model trebuchet, write in your journal, or go to a day spa.

You could also just sit quietly and take in the moment

Whatever you choose, have fun and enjoy yourself!

How about you? Are you going to give yourself permission to schedule nothing in your calendar? Join the conversation and leave a comment below!

5 Unexpected Things You Need to Organize a Work Notebook Mockup
About the Author


Rashelle Isip is a New York City-based productivity consultant who helps successful entrepreneurs and business owners manage their time and energy so they can reduce stress, work less, and make more money in their businesses. She has been featured in Fast Company, Forbes, NBC News, The Washington Post, NPR, and The Atlantic. Get her free guide, 5 Unexpected Things You Need to Organize a Work Notebook, by clicking here.


  1. Elizabeth

    I have blocks of Free Time set aside for my Littles, which I consider to be very important since we homeschool, and the necessity of scheduling things to make sure they get done can easily evolve into scheduling everything. It’s a head slapping, “duh! Why didn’t I think of that?!!” moment to realize the same benefits apply for me, if I do the same thing for myself. Thanks for the nudge! 🙂

    • Rashelle

      Oh, you are quite welcome, Elizabeth! That was *exactly* the point I was trying to make in my post. It sure looks like I succeeded. 🙂 Thanks for your comment!

  2. Rodney Rodriguez Morgan Jr.

    Thank you so extremely much for this article. It really inspired me just take s break for once and enjoy myself, as well. I really stress out about a lot of things within my life, and sometimes I feel unmotivated because I don’t really see the point of my personal progress in life anymore, I think that you’re amazing to schedule in some nothingness time, as I would like to call it~. I really appreciate you advice and I’ll definitely consider it and probably do it right now~!!! See you later and have a great day~!!!

    Sincerely, Rodney Rodriguez Morgan Jr.

    • Rashelle

      I’m so glad to hear you found the article helpful, Rodney! Yes, I know how you feel, sometimes you can get so caught up with everyday things that you miss the bigger picture. It’s like walking on a path in the park and keeping your head down the whole time. Every now and then, you need to look up to see what’s around you…and where you’re actually walking to. While you’re at it, perhaps now would be a good time to add several breaks to your schedule for this month, and maybe even next? 😉 Thanks so much for your honest comment. I hope you have a good day as well, and enjoy your time off!


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