How to Pack a Backpack

Wondering how to pack a backpack for your travels throughout the world?

Are you looking for some thoughtful tips to help you manage your belongings?

Do you own a backpack, messenger, duffel, or similar type of bag?

Ever wonder how you should pack your bag so you can find what you need in a pinch?

Backpacks are convenient when it comes to carrying around school supplies, laptops, clothing, and other items.

With a little bit of planning, you can pack up your belongings in a way that allows you to pull out what you need easily and effortlessly.

In this post, you’ll find a few tips to help you pack a backpack and keep your belongings in tip-top-shape.

Carefully inspect your backpack.

First things first, it’s important to become acquainted with your bag.

Why? This is so you have an idea of the bag’s existing sections, partitions, and compartments.

You can then utilize these existing items to make the most out of your packing.

Open and inspect both the large and small compartments in your bag.

Open all of the bag’s zippers, tabs, flaps, pockets, pouches, holders, and snaps.

Don’t be afraid to place your hand inside compartments to get a better idea of their size.

So, what type of compartments do you have in your backpack? Is there a cushioned area for a laptop?

A space for pen storage? A zippered area for keys and small change?

Did you find any compartments or items that you hadn’t noticed previously?

It’s definitely worth taking a couple of minutes to do a bit of inspecting!

Gather your personal effects.

Round up all of the items you want to store in your backpack.

These items may include clothing, laptop, notebooks, textbooks, house and car keys.

Don’t forget items such as your wallet, writing tools, glasses or sun glasses, and personal items.

Then, layout all of these items on a flat surface such as a tabletop, desk, counter or freshly made bed.

You want to be able to clearly see what you are going to place in the bag.

As you gather your belongings, consider grouping similar items together.

You may place reading materials with reading materials, personal items with personal items, and the like, so you can easily distinguish items at a glance.

At this point in time, you should compare the size of your backpack to the number of items you want to pack.

Is your bag large enough to hold all of the materials? Do you need to find a large bag?

Perhaps you can streamline or reduce the amount of items you’re planning to pack?

Start the packing process.

In general, you want to build a solid foundation at the bottom of the backpack with heavier items.

You’ll then pack lighter and more pliable items on top.

Begin by packing large items into large compartments first.

These items will take up the most space and will give your bag structure and form, making it easier to pack other items inside of it.

Pack heavier items such as books and notebooks, towards the bottom of the bag, or the spot that will rest closest to or directly on your back.

The next step is to pack lighter items on top of these larger items.

What can you do if you have a backpack with two largish books sitting in a large compartment?

Roll up a light jacket, or a small bag of office supplies, and then place these items vertically on top of the books.

The last step is to pack up other items in the outer compartments of the backpack.

These outer compartments may be additional large-sized storage sections, medium-sized pockets and pouches, and small-sized compartments.

Don’t forget to make adequate use of those built-in storage compartments.

Store keys on key fobs, place pens into pen holders, and tuck personal care items into mesh or zippered pockets.

Do you own a backpack that only has large storage compartments?

You can use small lightweight mesh bags or clear zippered plastic bags to corral medium to small-sized items. 

Learn how to keep your belongings organized

Organizing your belongings requires careful thought, planning, and of course, targeted action.

My organization guide will teach you how to be more organized around the home and office.

If you want to organize your home or office so you can find what you need when you need it, then check out my productivity consulting services. Book a strategy session with me today!

How about you? Which of these tips are you going to use to help you pack a backpack? Join the conversation and leave a comment below!

5 Unexpected Things You Need to Organize a Work Notebook Mockup
About the Author


Rashelle Isip is a New York City-based productivity consultant who helps successful entrepreneurs and business owners manage their time and energy so they can reduce stress, work less, and make more money in their businesses. She has been featured in Fast Company, Forbes, NBC News, The Washington Post, NPR, and The Atlantic. Get her free guide, 5 Unexpected Things You Need to Organize a Work Notebook, by clicking here.


  1. Emmanuel

    liked this post…. waiting for how to pack a big suitcase.

    • Rashelle

      I’m glad you enjoyed the post, Emmanuel. Thanks for your post suggestion; I will definitely keep it in mind.

  2. Pewe

    Sound advise. But let it not conflict with Rule #1 : put items you need most (often) in the best accessible places, and the most valuable/important items well out of reach of bad people.
    Unless you prefer to empty your backup at the ticket counter of the railway station, searching for your passport.
    Or making it easy for bad people to quickly slit the bottom of your backpack and nick your goodies.

    • Rashelle

      Good point, Pewe. Some backpacks have exterior storage areas that are easily accessed by others. Careful planning is a must when it comes to one’s valuables.


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