Want to Easily Delegate Tasks? Here’s How to Be a Deliberate Delegator in Your Business

Smart entrepreneurs know that becoming a skillful delegator is crucial to their business‘s success.

But even successful entrepreneurs can get stuck in the unhelpful mindset that they have to do everything in their business themselves.

So, what’s a savvy entrepreneur to do?

One way to overcome this perceived block is to view the process of delegation as a pathway for professional growth and development.

Instead of being viewed from a place of lack, the skill of delegation should be viewed from a place of abundance.

There is sufficient time, energy, and resources available to you.

The only catch is that you must release your grip and allow these items to naturally enter your business experience.

It’s also worth pointing out that delegation doesn’t diminish your unique strengths and abilities as an entrepreneur.

Rather, it cements and strengthens your position as a business leader and allows your business to thrive as it should.

Here are five thoughtful mindset shifts you can use today to help you let go of the fear of delegation.

“If I delegate this task, then I’ll make use of an expert’s professional experience”

Tapping into others’ knowledge has value beyond compare. Remember, you’re not asking just anyone for help.

You’re seeking assistance from someone who has years and decades of professional experience, knowledge, and wisdom.

They are attuned to and well versed in the past, present, and future challenges, situations, and circumstances that may occur in your business.

It’s only fitting for you to ask yourself how delegating will help you leverage an expert’s knowledge and experience.

What information or guidance could they provide that would be immensely valuable to your business’s growth?

“If I delegate this task, then I’ll have more time for my work”

Constantly feeling crunched for time in your schedule?

If so, then delegating projects, assignments, and tasks should be at the top of your to-do list.

Ask yourself who may be underutilized in their position in your business.

Likewise, you can determine if there’s been someone on your team with a lot of time on their hands or if people have requested additional assignments or responsibilities.

Delegating tasks to others will free up time in your calendar for tasks that only you can complete as a business owner.

“If I delegate this task, then I’ll provide my team with more growth opportunities”

Helping others step into new responsibilities and roles is part of your job as a business owner.

It can also be an incredibly rewarding professional experience to boot.

It’s worth asking yourself in what ways you can provide your team and colleagues with more opportunities for growth.

Consider how delegating tasks will help them learn new skills, practice new techniques, and strengthen their professional relationships.

“If I delegate this task, then I’ll gain support to do my job better”

Simply knowing there are people who can help you do your work better is a great feeling.

And chances are, there’s probably at least one person in your professional network who would be more than happy to help support you in your professional work.

With that additional support, you’ll be able to put your precious energy and focus into other key aspects of your job that only you can complete.

You’ll also gain peace of mind knowing that you’re being well supported in your role as an entrepreneur.

“If I delegate this task, then I’ll become a better delegator”

Practice makes perfect, even when it comes to delegating daily tasks!

Sometimes the simplest way to make forward progress in your business is to simply recognize you’re moving in the right direction in your daily routine.

Take comfort in the knowledge that every time you delegate a task to someone else, you’re effectively practicing your delegation skills.

There’s no need to wonder or worry about improving your delegation skills. In effect, you’re already taking forward action in the present moment.

Learn how to be productive in your business

Productivity levels are a major concern for any business owner. That’s why it’s important for you to learn how to do your work with less stress, time, and energy.

My time management guide can show you how to prioritize tasks, manage assignments, and run meetings.

If you want me to show you how you can delegate tasks in your business, then check out my productivity consulting services. Book a strategy session with me today!

How about you? Which of these mindset shifts are you going to make when it comes to delegating? Join the conversation and leave a comment below?

This article previously appeared on Inc.com.

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About the Author


Rashelle Isip is a New York City-based productivity consultant who helps successful entrepreneurs and business owners manage their time and energy so they can reduce stress, work less, and make more money in their businesses. She has been featured in Fast Company, Forbes, NBC News, The Washington Post, NPR, and The Atlantic. Get her free guide, 5 Unexpected Things You Need to Organize a Work Notebook, by clicking here.


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