Results for "order as art"
15 Fantastic Tips to for a Clutter-Free Office

15 Fantastic Tips to for a Clutter-Free Office

Do you want to have a clutter-free office or workspace? Are you looking to keep things neat, tidy, and clutter-free on a regular basis? Offices are busy places, with lots going on at any moment in time. No wonder clutter seems to magically appear through the workweek...

How Not to Overestimate Your Time

How Not to Overestimate Your Time

Do you overestimate the time it will take you to complete a small chore or errand? Does it seem as if you put undue pressure on yourself to complete the tiniest of tasks? We regularly hear a lot about underestimating one’s time. But what about overestimating your time...

Why Chaos Isn’t Necessarily a Bad Thing 

Why Chaos Isn’t Necessarily a Bad Thing 

Do you think of chaos as a negative or “bad” thing in today's world? Are you wondering if there’s anything of value that can come out of chaotic schedules, cluttered rooms, or missed travel connections? Chaos doesn't have to be all doom and gloom. In fact, it can be...

How to Declutter a Shoe Collection

How to Declutter a Shoe Collection

Wondering how to declutter that large shoe collection at home? Are you looking for some helpful pointers to keep your footwear under control? Shoes are a key component to any wardrobe. As is the case with any collection, be it an impressive private library or...

Why You Should Always Date Your Notes

Why You Should Always Date Your Notes

Do you regularly take notes at home, school, or work? If so, do you always write down, or type out, the current day, month, and year? Not sometimes, not most of the time, but always? In this post, you'll find a couple of compelling reasons as to why you should always...

How to Organize Canned Goods

How to Organize Canned Goods

Are you looking for tips to organize canned goods at home? Do you need help when it comes to putting all of those stacks of cans, jars, or other containers in your kitchen in order? Kitchen storage may seem like a daunting task. There's so many different foodstuffs to...

How You Perceive Time Matters in Today’s World

How You Perceive Time Matters in Today’s World

How do you perceive time in today's busy day and age? That is, do you constantly fight against time and feel as if there’s never enough to go around? Perhaps you think there’s always enough time to do something? Part of time management requires keeping track of...

How to Never Forget a Birthday

How to Never Forget a Birthday

Looking to never forget a birthday, anniversary, or holiday ever again? Do you want some simple tips to help you keep track of important dates? If you have trouble remembering dates, there's one simple thing you can do to stay on track. How? Use the recurring events...

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