How to Organize a Clothes Closet After a Move

Woman wearing a blue dress

Are you looking for tips to help you organize a clothes closet after a move?

Do you want some guidance on how to organize things and keep things tidy?

Picture this: you’ve just finished moving house or apartment.

You walk into your brand-new bedroom and see a beautiful sight: an empty and clean closet!

It’s the perfect opportunity for you to start things off on the right foot in your new home.

After all, you’ve always wanted an organized clothes closet.

The only problem is figuring out where you should begin…

In this post, you’ll find several tips to help you create the organized clothes closet you’ve always longed for.

Haven’t moved house? No problem!

You can recreate the move-in feel by removing absolutely everything from your closet.

Keep in mind that this will be a heavy-duty organizing project. As such, it will probably take you several days to complete.

You may want to set up an organizing area in another area of your home to temporarily sort and store your clothes as you prepare your closet.

Take a moment to reevaluate your wardrobe.

You may or may not have donated or recycled clothing before you moved house.

Nevertheless, now is the perfect opportunity to go through your closet and decide what you want to keep.

Take stock of all those tops, pants, sweaters, blazers, dresses, and skirts.

Don’t forget those shoes, bags, and accessories, like belts, hats, socks, and hosiery.

Remember, it’s perfectly okay to be ruthless in your evaluations.

If an item is damaged, stained, faded, no longer fits, if you haven’t worn it in a year, or if you just don’t like the item, you can toss it in the trash or place it into a donation bag.

While you’re at it, be sure to match like items with like as you go through your wardrobe.

Think tops with tops, slacks with slacks, and so on.

Divide clothes into seasonal usage.

Once you’ve pared down your clothing, you will need to further sort everything by season.

You can think of this sorting clothes by fall/winter clothes and spring/summer clothes.

This practice is quite useful. Not only will you save space in your closet, but it will be easier to find what you need throughout the year.

Locate an area in your home to store your out-of-season clothes.

You can use a spare bedroom, empty space under the bed, an extra closet, or perhaps in the attic or basement.

Be sure to use air-tight storage containers and bags to keep out any moisture, dirt, and dust.

Inspect and repair the interior of the closet.

What does the inside of your closet look like?

Be sure to make any physical adjustments as needed before you fill the closet with clothes.

Does the storage shelf need to be replaced?

How about those hanging rods? Do they need to be resecured or replaced?

Do the light fixtures, doorknob, or door hinges need to be replaced or fixed?

It’s a good idea to take care of these issues now.

Make a storage plan.

This is where you start to create your storage plan for your closet.

First things first, be sure to take complete measurements of the entire closet before you begin.

Make sure to get the width, length, and depth of the closet, as well as specific measurements.

You can measure storage space on top, the length and diameter of hanger rod(s), the distance between the hanger rod(s) and the floor, the space between the door and closet rod, as well as the door dimensions.

You’ll want to have this info handy should you need to check on organizing product dimensions.

Here’s where things get fun! Since you have a fresh canvas with which to work, you can play with different organizing combinations.

Draw several different sketches of your closet in a notebook or a piece of paper or two. Sketch out different storage arrangements for your clothing.

You may want to use images from magazines or websites for inspiration. And of course, don’t forget to use your imagination.

For example, you might decide to store your hats in hat boxes on the top shelf. You can use a large, flat sectioned container for your belts and scarves and hang shirts and pants on hangers on a clothing rod.

You could store shoes in the over-the-door shoe holder you already own. You can install a short dresser to store undergarments, hosiery, and other folded items like shirts and sweaters.

Go shopping.

Once you’ve got your plan in hand, it’s time to do some shopping.

You may already own some organizing products or you may be interested in buying new ones.

Be sure to check what you already own first. You might have the perfect product sitting in your moving boxes or elsewhere in your home.

If you’re on a budget, repurpose any clean and sturdy containers, baskets, and crates you may have lying around the house.

If you’re shopping, you may find it helpful to do some online searching to look up various storage products for specific items. Think storage for belts, shoes, scarves and so on.

Make note of storage options for all items in your wardrobe, and buy the necessary items in-store or online.

Put everything in it’s place.

It’s the moment of truth! It’s time to store items in your closet for the first time.

Install any hanging products or shelving first. Next, you’ll want to carefully hang, roll, or fold clothing as necessary.

You can keep things neat and tidy by putting items back where they belong at the end of every day or week.

Lastly, be sure to treat yourself well and celebrate your accomplishment!

How about you? What do you find is the most difficult thing about keeping a closet in order? Join the conversation and leave a comment below!

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About the Author


Rashelle Isip is a New York City-based productivity consultant who helps successful entrepreneurs and business owners manage their time and energy so they can reduce stress, work less, and make more money in their businesses. She has been featured in Fast Company, Forbes, NBC News, The Washington Post, NPR, and The Atlantic. Get her free guide, 5 Unexpected Things You Need to Organize a Work Notebook, by clicking here.


  1. Janet Barclay

    Keeping my closet organized has been much easier since I did a major purge (2 large garbage bags – including stuff from my dresser drawers) a couple of years ago. Now I’m very diligent about the one-in-one-out method, most of the time at least.

    • Rashelle

      Nothing beats a decluttered closet! I’m always amazed at how much room “instantly” appears when you do a thorough purge.


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