How to Easily Increase Your Productivity at Work

Woman talking on a smart phone at a desk

Do you want to increase productivity at work?

Are you looking for tips on how to bring more fun and enjoyment to your daily routine?

Getting things done at the office can sometimes be a lackluster experience, especially if you’re performing similar tasks on a regular basis.

You want to increase your productivity levels, but at the same time you wonder how you can motivate yourself enough to take the next step forward.

In this post, you’ll find seven ways you can increase productivity at the office, while having fun at the same time.

Sometimes, a change in the way you perform work can give you a much-needed boost of productivity.

Adjusting how you think, relate, and process your work can help reenergize your work sessions for the better.

Change your location.

Humans are creatures of habit. Break out of your comfort zone by brainstorming, writing, phoning, or emailing in a different area of your office or workspace.

If you’re unable to change your physical location, make subtle but noticeable adjustments to the way in which you work. For instance, you could stand instead of sit or change your desk or chair’s orientation.

Think like someone else.

Envision a person you both admire and respect. They may be living or deceased, but they should be someone you relate to on a professional or personal level.

Imagine how they would interpret, respond, and act upon your current work task, issue, challenge, or problem.

Take these attributes and apply them to your work. This single exercise can open your mind up to a whole new way of thinking.

Imagine the work as finished.

You’ve begun work on a new assignment. Unleash your creative side and ask yourself what the assignment will look like once it’s finished.

Don’t hold back; be as creative, detailed, and realistic as possible. You can imagine the specific steps you’ll take to complete your work or you conjure every aspect of the final product in your mind’s eye.

Envisioning the final product may inspire you to approach your work within a fresh attitude.

Give your analytical mind a rest.

Forcing yourself to analyze and evaluate information on end can be an exhausting experience. Oftentimes the best remedy for an overworked mind is rote or repetitive work.

You can file documents, collate papers, declutter your desk, or prepare items for a mailing.

Not only will you complete the task at hand, but you’ll allow your mind to work silently in the background, processing issues and challenges, and coming up with novel or unexplored solutions.

Ask someone for an idea jumpstart.

Find yourself at a loss for ideas? Pick a colleague or coworker’s brain.

Gaining insight from others, especially those who work in other departments or industries can give you a new way of looking at things. Present them with the problem at hand and ask them how they would go about solving it.

Carefully listen to their answer and ask yourself how you could use this way of thinking or problem-solving approach in your work.

Get some fresh air.

Take a break from your work and go outside to clear your mind. Breathe in that fresh outdoor air, take in the scenery, view the environment, and observe the weather.

If you’re unable to go outside, open a window for some fresh air and glance at a faraway landmark in the distance for a few moments.

Connecting with the outdoor world can sometimes be the jolt of energy you need to get yourself moving in your work.

Look through the eyes of your past, present, and future self.

If you want shake up your work flow, try viewing your work through different moments of your work experience.

Think about how you might complete your work if you were a novice, your present self, and future self, perhaps in, say, five years’ time.

The idea here is not to have all the answers, but to prompt yourself into a new way of thinking.

This exercise alone might spark some inspiring or unconventional answers that will help you work smarter, and not harder.

Learn how to be productive in your business

Productivity levels are a major concern for any business owner. That’s why it’s important for you to learn how to do your work with less stress, time, and energy.

My time management guide can show you how to prioritize tasks, manage assignments, and run meetings.

If you want me to show you how you can get things done in your business with less time and energy, then check out my productivity consulting services. Book a strategy session with me today!

How about you? Which of the above suggestions are you going to try out in your work? Join the conversation and leave a comment below!

This post originally appeared on

5 Unexpected Things You Need to Organize a Work Notebook Mockup
About the Author


Rashelle Isip is a New York City-based productivity consultant who helps successful entrepreneurs and business owners manage their time and energy so they can reduce stress, work less, and make more money in their businesses. She has been featured in Fast Company, Forbes, NBC News, The Washington Post, NPR, and The Atlantic. Get her free guide, 5 Unexpected Things You Need to Organize a Work Notebook, by clicking here.


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