4 Ways Time Management Can Help Reduce Stress

Do you want to be more relaxed, cool, calm, and collected?Image of a man near a lake on a mountain and the phrase, 4 Ways Time Management Can Help Reduce Stress

Would you like to feel in control of your schedule or calendar?

In this post, I offer four ways time management can help reduce the amount of stress in your life.

You can be more relaxed…all it takes is a little bit of careful, and thoughtful planning.

You don’t have to worry about completing a project in a timely manner.

When you create a timeline or work plan for your projects and assignments, you minimize, if not completely eliminate, the dramatic ups and downs that come with an all-nighter.

Your work becomes a pleasant stroll, instead of a mad dash to the finish line.

Wouldn’t it feel great to do your work at a steady pace, each and every day, instead of feeling exhausted after a draining, all-night even?

Get to work on new projects as soon as you receive them, and take some time to plan out any relevant tasks and to-dos so you’re not doing everything at the last minute.

You won’t be surprised or caught off-guard by items in your schedule.

Double-booked and overbooked schedules can cause lots of headaches. Why go through all the pain and angst of having to correct accidental bookings?

When you review your calendar on a regular basis, you can catch these, and other scheduling issues well in advance. You’ll have enough time to reschedule appointments, rebook meetings, adjust project timelines, and feel calm and collected.

Image of an eBook with an alarm clock and the phrase, The Order Expert's Guide to Time Management


The Order Expert’s Guide to Time Management is a hands-on workbook that provides practical solutions to common, everyday time management problems.

Click here to learn more about the workbook >> 

You won’t stress out about how you should spend your time.

When you’ve constructed a detailed schedule for yourself, all you have to do is follow it. There’s literally no guessing as to what you should be doing at any point in time.

It’s kind of like planning a long drive in your car. Instead of getting into your car and just sitting there, wondering which route you should take, you should plan your course ahead of time. This way, you can focus on driving there.

The same goes for your schedule. Think about what tasks and projects are urgent and important in your life right here and now, and schedule the time to work on them in your calendar. You’ll know exactly what to expect and you can focus on getting your work done.

You don’t have to worry about getting enough rest.

When you manage your time properly, not only can you complete your work, take care of personal errands, and socialize with loved ones, but you can properly take care of yourself. You can get a full night’s rest every night, or take a power nap when you need it.

The key to managing your personal time is to include this time into your schedule. Don’t shortchange yourself; you need to go to sleep at a reasonable time so you’ll be well-rested, and will have the energy to get through the next day.

Try creating an evening routine to help you wind down comfortably at the end of every day.

How about you? Do you feel a little less stressed when you manage your time? In what ways? Join the conversation and leave a comment below!

5 Unexpected Things You Need to Organize a Work Notebook Mockup
About the Author


Rashelle Isip is a New York City-based productivity consultant who helps successful entrepreneurs and business owners manage their time and energy so they can reduce stress, work less, and make more money in their businesses. She has been featured in Fast Company, Forbes, NBC News, The Washington Post, NPR, and The Atlantic. Get her free guide, 5 Unexpected Things You Need to Organize a Work Notebook, by clicking here.


  1. Janet Barclay

    This reminds me of when I was in university. I would always plan my work to ensure I handed in assignments by the deadline, and would get so annoyed with classmates who asked for – and were nearly always granted – extensions because they ran out of time, or waited so long to start that the books they needed weren’t available. Can you tell it still bugs me after all these years?

    • Rashelle

      Oh, I know what you mean. It can be so frustrating when you’ve followed the rules, and then the rules are waived for others. Grrr…

      Here’s a little story that might make your day…one of the departments at my school had a policy that allowed papers/reports/assignments to be turned in a day late, a couple days late, etc. But the caveat was an excellent one; for every day late you handed in your work, you’d get one letter grade less than the grade of your paper/report/assignment.

      So, if you had a paper that was graded as a B+, and it was handed in a day late, your grade would be a C+. Two days late, D+. And so on.

      Not a bad way of handling things, huh?


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