5 Smart Steps to Organizing a Project

5 Smart Steps to Organizing a Project

You’ve been selected to organize a project at work.Or perhaps you’ve decided to organize a personal project of your own, such as a birthday party, a vacation scrapbook, or fashion show.You can see…

17 Smart Tips for Working From Home

17 Smart Tips for Working From Home

Are you looking for a collection of working from home tips and tricks? Maybe you find yourself working from home more and more, or perhaps you work remotely every now and then, or when important work has to be completed ASAP.

Why You Should Turn Your Phone Off While You Work

Why You Should Turn Your Phone Off While You Work

Turn phone off. That phrase sounds like an extremely serious action, doesn't it? However, before you make a cut and dry decision, let's take a look at things in a different light... Do you find yourself constantly being distracted by your smart phone at work? Are you...

How to Organize a Drawer

How to Organize a Drawer

Do you have a less-than organized drawer lurking in your office, kitchen, or bathroom? Are you looking to finally put things in order so you can easily locate the items you need?

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