
Top 10 List: Additional Ways to Organize Items

The challenge continues…how many different ways can I come up with to organize items? Here’s some more ideas: Number 10. Relationship Number 9. Category Number 8. Trend Number 7. Time Number 6. Accessibility Number 5. Language Number 4. Country Number 3. History...

Productivity Tip: Backup Your Memory

Productivity Tip: Backup Your Memory

Nowadays we tend to rely on cellphones, smartphones and other digital devices to “remember” information for us. Such reliance can sabotage the best of intentions when it comes to being productive, especially when you cannot retrieve information if you lost or...

Organizing Tip: Clever Clutter Sweeps

Organizing Tip: Clever Clutter Sweeps

Looking to clear up clutter in your home or at work? Here’s a few ideas of places to tidy up when you are short on time but big on intent. Computer Desktop. Looking at too many files or folders on your desktop? Take a few moments to delete those items you no longer...

Productivity Tip: Define Your Product

Productivity Tip: Define Your Product

Lots of times when we are interested in becoming more productive, we can tend to glaze over the fact that while we are so excited and anxious about producing “something,” we have little idea as to where we are going exactly. For example, if someone were to ask you,...

Productivity Tip: Rest Up

Productivity Tip: Rest Up

What’s one great way to be more productive in your daily life? Why, to get more rest, of course. By rest, I mean sleep. I know, I know, we’ve all heard this plenty of times, but how many of us really get the full amount of sleep that we need daily? When’s the last...

Top 10 List: 10 Professions Where Order Rules

Top 10 List: 10 Professions Where Order Rules

All work requires some sort of order to be kept. Here’s a short list of jobs that require either organizing people (customers, clients, suppliers, etc.) or physical items (books, numbers, ideas, etc.), or managing time and travel (events, dates, timetables). Number...

Time Management Tip: Easing Into The Evening

Time Management Tip: Easing Into The Evening

Having trouble easing into your evening? Relaxing and unwinding before bedtime seem like a thing of the past? Flopping into bed with lots of things on your mind all the while you are excitedly telling yourself, “Ok! Now it’s time to sleep!” Here’s a few tips on how to...

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