Results for "order as art"
Organizing Tip: Small Living Space Safety

Organizing Tip: Small Living Space Safety

Small living spaces have been quite the trend lately. There’s lots of things one can do to downsize a room or storage area. What about keeping a small living space, well, safe? Here are a few items to keep in mind when organizing/storing items/laying out a small...

Organizing Tip: Getting Familiar with Your Files

Organizing Tip: Getting Familiar with Your Files

Have you ever found yourself in this situation: you’ve carved out some time to file a stack of papers, yet as soon as you start looking through the stack you realize that the task is a bit more difficult than it seems; not only are there items that are easily...

Organizing Tip: Email Spring Cleaning

Yesterday was the first day of spring and what did my mind turn to but...helping people with their daily barrage of emails! Here’s a few quick tips: Clean Beyond the Inbox Your inbox shouldn’t get all the love. Don’t forget to clean out those other email folders that...

Productivity Tip: Backup Your Memory

Productivity Tip: Backup Your Memory

Nowadays we tend to rely on cellphones, smartphones and other digital devices to “remember” information for us. Such reliance can sabotage the best of intentions when it comes to being productive, especially when you cannot retrieve information if you lost or...

Organizing Tip: Clever Clutter Sweeps

Organizing Tip: Clever Clutter Sweeps

Looking to clear up clutter in your home or at work? Here’s a few ideas of places to tidy up when you are short on time but big on intent. Computer Desktop. Looking at too many files or folders on your desktop? Take a few moments to delete those items you no longer...

Productivity Tip: Rest Up

Productivity Tip: Rest Up

What’s one great way to be more productive in your daily life? Why, to get more rest, of course. By rest, I mean sleep. I know, I know, we’ve all heard this plenty of times, but how many of us really get the full amount of sleep that we need daily? When’s the last...

Productivity Tip: Finessing The Follow-Up

Productivity Tip: Finessing The Follow-Up

Do either of these two scenarios sound familiar? You make a phone call to someone but they are currently unavailable. You leave a voicemail for them to call you back. You send an email to someone with a question or a concern. You look forward to hearing back from them...

Label Me, Label Me Not…

Label Me, Label Me Not…

A few months ago I covered the word “label” in a Hidden Power of Words entry. While I dove into the word origins of labels and whether or not one actually needed language or symbols to write on a label (color-coding anyone?), I started thinking about physical or...

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