Results for "order as art"
Top 10 List: 10 Tips To Help You Be On Time

Top 10 List: 10 Tips To Help You Be On Time

Need some assistance in the time management department? Here are 10 tips (five practical and five creative) to help you be on time to your next meeting or appointment: Number 10. Carry or wear a device that keeps time. An oldie but goodie…how can you be on time when...

Time Management Tip: Preparing Thanksgiving Dinner

Time Management Tip: Preparing Thanksgiving Dinner

It’s that time of year again…time for Thanksgiving! One of the most difficult aspects in preparing a Thanksgiving meal is accurately timing dish preparation so that everything is ready at the same time. Today’s tip gives you a few pointers to keep in mind as you...

Organizing Tip: How to Organize Volunteers

Organizing Tip: How to Organize Volunteers

Today’s post comes courtesy of a volunteering experience I had over the weekend towards Hurricane Sandy cleanup efforts. To make a long story short, the event was poorly organized. Volunteers were told to complete tasks, only to be told an hour later that what we were...

Organizing Tip: Setting Up an Organizing Work Space

Organizing Tip: Setting Up an Organizing Work Space

I’ve written several organizing entries here on the blog that include step-by-step instructions on how to sort and organize materials. I suggest people work off of a cleared surface such as a table, counter or freshly made bed. Why is this so important? Quite simply,...

Streamline Grocery Shopping

Streamline Grocery Shopping

Grocery shopping might seem like a simple and routine task (go to the store, pick up some items, pay and leave) but there’s lots of distractions: products to sample, demonstrations to watch, new products, and weekly special after weekly special. Read on for some tips...

Top 10 List: 10 Time Management Mistakes

Top 10 List: 10 Time Management Mistakes

Rounding out the other side of the time management spectrum (for a list of 10 time management truths click here), here’s a list of 10 time management mistakes. Time Management Mistake Number 10. Scheduling and timing every single task in your day. Unless you love...

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