Top 10 List: 10 Productivity Truths

Top 10 List: 10 Productivity Truths

Here’s a list of 10 productivity truths to counter the post of 10 Productivity Mistakes from a few weeks ago. While these truths are not so warm and fuzzy, they are real and well, truthful! Knowing is half the battle, right? Productivity Truth Number 10. There will...

Top 10 List: 10 Productivity Truths

Top 10 List: 10 Productivity Mistakes

Productivity Mistake Number 10. Assuming production will go through without any hitches. It’s a fact of life. Things happen. Things break, schedules and/or deliveries are late and missed, people have changes of heart. Respect and be aware of this fact from the start...

Productivity Tip: Adjust Your Compass

Productivity Tip: Adjust Your Compass

Ever set out to work on a project or task with a certain endpoint or direction in mind, work long and hard at it, but find yourself someplace completely different than where you thought you’d end up? Sure, you can be productive doing things in the now for the sake of...

Productivity Tip: Define Your Product

Productivity Tip: Define Your Product

Lots of times when we are interested in becoming more productive, we can tend to glaze over the fact that while we are so excited and anxious about producing “something,” we have little idea as to where we are going exactly. For example, if someone were to ask you,...

Productivity Tip: Rest Up

Productivity Tip: Rest Up

What’s one great way to be more productive in your daily life? Why, to get more rest, of course. By rest, I mean sleep. I know, I know, we’ve all heard this plenty of times, but how many of us really get the full amount of sleep that we need daily? When’s the last...

Productivity Tip: Finessing The Follow-Up

Productivity Tip: Finessing The Follow-Up

Do either of these two scenarios sound familiar? You make a phone call to someone but they are currently unavailable. You leave a voicemail for them to call you back. You send an email to someone with a question or a concern. You look forward to hearing back from them...

Productivity Tip: Plant Before the Harvest

Productivity Tip: Plant Before the Harvest

What do you want to do if you want to grow some plants or flowers in a garden? First you buy some seeds, prepare the land, plant and water the seeds, watch over them and in time you’ll have a full garden. There’s no way around it. If you don’t make plans now...

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