Why You Should Turn Your Phone Off While You Work

Why You Should Turn Your Phone Off While You Work

Turn phone off. That phrase sounds like an extremely serious action, doesn't it? However, before you make a cut and dry decision, let's take a look at things in a different light... Do you find yourself constantly being distracted by your smart phone at work? Are you...

How to Organize a Drawer

How to Organize a Drawer

Do you have a less-than organized drawer lurking in your office, kitchen, or bathroom? Are you looking to finally put things in order so you can easily locate the items you need?

14 Fantastic Paper Decluttering Tips

14 Fantastic Paper Decluttering Tips

Does it feel as if you are drowning in paper clutter at home or the office? Do you want to break through the surface and finally get a handle on all those scraps, sheets, envelopes, flyers…

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