How to Spend Your Time When a Meeting is Canceled

Woman sitting at a desk and writing in a notebook

Do you have a meeting canceled at the last minute at work?

Are you wondering what to do with your newly-found free time?

Picture this: it’s 9:30 A.M. on a Wednesday morning at the office.

You check your email and see a new message. Your 2 P.M. appointment has suddenly been canceled.

You’re both surprised and amazed.

You feel as if you’ve just won the lottery!

You could fill that time with another appointment or catch up on some work you’ve been meaning to do.

What’s more, you could do something even more daring…In this post, you’ll find a somewhat provocative solution as to how you should spend your time when a meeting is canceled.

While this tip is super-simple you may find some resistance to following it. Be brave, think in a new way, and see what this new mindset can do for your schedule!

Make the Most of Canceled Meetings

Canceled meetings don’t happen very often.

But when they do, oh, what a magnificent feeling they bring!

You feel relieved, perhaps even a bit happy or optimistic.

Of course, our first instinct is to fill up that canceled appointment or meeting with more work, another appointment, or running errands.

You’ve suddenly received an hour or so of free time, so you might as well fill it with something productive, something useful, right?

I couldn’t agree more. However, you may be missing the boat when it comes to making the most of that free time.

Brace yourself, this tip might sound slightly unconventional…

The solution?

Do nothing.

I’ll let that sink in for a moment…


Why You Should Do Nothing

What? Do “nothing?”

Yes, you read that correctly. Now, you still might be in shock, and that’s perfectly alright. Let me explain…

One of the keys to time management is knowing when to work, and when to rest. A canceled meeting or appointment is literally time handed to you on a plate. It is the perfect time to stop what you’re doing, and just live in the moment.

Some people may think a canceled appointment is a good time to plow ahead and get a jump on whatever project or assignment is gnawing at them. 

Yes, this can be useful in certain situations and circumstances, such as when you are working on a deadline.

And yes, you can get things done, but why not take a break from your work?

Don’t believe me? Glance back for a moment at all those times over the past several months when you:

  • Wished you had a quiet moment to yourself with no interruptions
  • Wanted some time in the middle of your day to catch your breath
  • Were exhausted from a major work project and wanted to rest up
  • Wished you could take a decent break from staring at the computer screen
  • Wanted to enjoy your coffee break outdoors in the bright sunshine

Sound familiar? Now, I ask you, are you going to let this time slip away from your fingers?

Are you going to say “No,” to free time handed to you in a neat and tidy package?

I know some people will think this use of time is frivolous or wasted.

But for all those minutes and hours spent complaining there isn’t any time for a break, well, there’s the rub.

If you’ve ever wished for free time, let me gently remind you: it is sitting there right in front of you.

It will be okay, really, it will be! You won’t fall off track, or fall behind in your work, and the world certainly won’t implode.

What to Do Will Your Newly Found Free Time

Instead of filling your canceled appointment or meeting slot with work or tasks (and this will depend on whether you are at home, or at the office) you could:

  • Meditate or sit quietly
  • Read an enjoyable book or magazine
  • Enjoy a long coffee break
  • Gaze out the window and daydream
  • Take a nap

The next time a meeting or appointment is canceled, I hope you strongly consider doing yourself a favor, and take a much-needed break.

How about you? What will you do with your time when a meeting is canceled? Join the conversation and leave a comment below!

5 Unexpected Things You Need to Organize a Work Notebook Mockup
About the Author


Rashelle Isip is a New York City-based productivity consultant who helps successful entrepreneurs and business owners manage their time and energy so they can reduce stress, work less, and make more money in their businesses. She has been featured in Fast Company, Forbes, NBC News, The Washington Post, NPR, and The Atlantic. Get her free guide, 5 Unexpected Things You Need to Organize a Work Notebook, by clicking here.


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