How to Organize Your Personal Belongings

Looking for ideas on how to organize your wallet, cellphone, keys, and sunglasses?

Do you want to be able to find personal items in a pinch and retrieve items with ease?

Personal belongings often go missing because they don’t have a designated storage area in the home or the office.

In this post, you’ll find a simple method for storing your personal belongings.

Follow the below tips and you’ll always know where to find your personal items!

Identify must-have personal belongings.

First things first, you need to figure out your must-have personal belongings.

These are simply items you carry on your person or with you in a bag or purse on a regular basis whenever you’re out and about in the world.

Common personal belongings include: wallet, car keys, house keys, ID, cell phone, medication, and sunglasses.

Besides the items on this list, are there any other items you carry with you on a daily basis?

Take a minute to think about these items or materials.

Create a personal belonging landing zone.

Now that you’ve identified your personal belongings, it’s time to make a storage area, or landing zone, for them.

This is an area where you will drop off your personal belongings as soon as you enter your home or office, and where you will pick up your items before heading out.

You could choose to store items on a stand in the hallway or on a dresser in your bedroom.

How about storing items on a table or counter in the kitchen or a bookcase in your office?

Where could you store items in your home or office?

Customize landing zone storage options.

Lastly, it’s important you create a landing zone storage option that works for your needs.

What works for one person may or may not work for another.

Choose a storage option that is easy for you to use and work with.

Otherwise, you may end up avoiding your landing zone altogether.

Below are a few storage ideas to get you started.

Don’t stop there, get creative and think of other ways to store your things!

Tray, bowl, or basket.

Drop your items in a decorative container of your choice.

You can make a checklist of your personal belongings and affix it to the tray or bowl, or somewhere nearby

This is so you can check items when you remove them from or pack items into your pocket/purse/bag.

Fabric or paper silhouette.

Cut a small square of fabric or decorative paper.

Layout each of the personal belongings on the square and use a permanent marker to trace the outline of your belongings.

You can then write in the name of your belonging inside of the silhouettes.

If something is missing, it will be completely obvious.

Floating shelf.

Install or use an existing floating shelf.

Label a space on the shelf for each of your personal belongings.

You can quickly glance up and see what’s there, or what’s missing.

Hanging clear plastic pouches.

Get an over-the-door plastic shoe organizer and mount on a door or behind a door.

Store items individually in these clear pouches.

You could also label these pouches so you know exactly where to store items. 

How about you? What type of landing zone are you going to create in your home or office? Join the conversation and leave a comment below!

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About the Author


Rashelle Isip is a New York City-based productivity consultant who helps successful entrepreneurs and business owners manage their time and energy so they can reduce stress, work less, and make more money in their businesses. She has been featured in Fast Company, Forbes, NBC News, The Washington Post, NPR, and The Atlantic. Get her free guide, 5 Unexpected Things You Need to Organize a Work Notebook, by clicking here.


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