How to Organize Take Out Menus

Woman preparing a salad on a table

Wondering how to organize take out menus at work or home?

Do you want to finally get those stacks of restaurant menus organized so you can easily find what you need?

While many restaurant menus can be found online, many are not.

Even if an online version is handy, you may just prefer having a hard-copy menu on hand when you order your favorite sandwich from the coffee shop down the street.

In this post, you’ll find a few ways to organize take out menus, and keep them under control.

Collect and sort menus.

Take a few moments to round-up as many menus as you can.

You might have some in a desk drawer, sitting on a countertop or table, or hanging on the fridge in the kitchen.

You don’t have to go overboard locating every single menu in your office or home.

Just having a handful of menus at your fingertips is a good place to start.

Once you’ve rounded up several menus, select those you wish to keep and recycle the rest.

Organize menus according to your taste.

When it comes to organizing menus, the world is your oyster!

Choose the method that suits you best.

Remember, the goal here is to be able to find the menus you need as easily, and as efficiently as possible.

Looking for a few ideas? Here’s several to get you started.

  • Cuisine – Chinese, Italian, Indian, Mexican, American, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Korean, Ethiopian, Greek, English, Russian, Peruvian, Lebanese, Japanese, Brazilian…
  • Restaurant name – Alphabetize menus from A to Z.
  • Cost – Is the menu inexpensive or expensive?
  • Location – Is the restaurant relatively close to you, or is it a bit of a hike?
  • Preference – Is the restaurant your absolute favorite, or is it just decent?

Choose a convenient storage method.

Make your menus a true moveable feast by selecting the best storage method for your needs.

You might like to reach in and grab a menu at random or you might like menus organized neatly in book-fashion.

Here’s a few handy storage ideas:

  • Use a magazine rack to store menus. Just drop in the menus, place the magazine rack on your desk or counter, and you’re done.
  • Make a menu necklace. Hole punch menus in the same place, and string them together with twine or yarn for easy reference. Hang on a coat hook, or any other sturdy fixture.
  • Use a plastic accordion folder to store menus. Organize menus by any of the methods above.
  • Create a menu binder with clear page protectors, and drop in a single menu. You can even get really fancy by organizing your binder with tabs using any of the methods above.

Weed out menus on a regular basis.

Every quarter or so, conduct a sweep through your menus to cull the collection.

A restaurant may have closed down or changed hands or you may no longer like the food or service.

You may find you have five copies of the same menu or the menu has been updated with new prices and offerings.

Receive a new menu with your lunch order? Swap out that old menu for the new one, and you’re good to go.

How about you? Do you have take out menus on hand at home or the office? How are you going to keep things organized? Join the conversation and leave a comment below!

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About the Author


Rashelle Isip is a New York City-based productivity consultant who helps successful entrepreneurs and business owners manage their time and energy so they can reduce stress, work less, and make more money in their businesses. She has been featured in Fast Company, Forbes, NBC News, The Washington Post, NPR, and The Atlantic. Get her free guide, 5 Unexpected Things You Need to Organize a Work Notebook, by clicking here.


  1. Betty Winslow

    We keep ours in a two pocket folder, menus on one side, coupons on the other. Each time we order out, we go through the folder and discard expired coupons, out of business restaurants, etc., and swap out menus so that the most recent one is in it. Coupons for drive-throughs are kept in a similar folder in the door pocket of the driver’s seat.

    • Rashelle

      What a fantastic system; it is so efficient and organized. Do you happen to keep restaurant gift cards in your folder at home as well? Thanks for visiting the blog and for leaving a comment!

  2. Janet Barclay

    We used to have a large collection, till we realized we only order from two or three places, so we got rid of all the rest. We keep them in a purple file folder in the filing cabinet, beside the regular files so it’s easy to spot when we’re hungry.

    • Rashelle

      It sounds like you’ve definitely got your collection under control! Reading your comment gave me another idea when it comes to organizing and keeping menus in check: laminate your favorites menus, and use a dry erase marker to mark items for each order. Mount on the side of the fridge with heavy-duty magnets. Easy, and organized.


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