How to Get Motivated

Woman looking forward wearing a sequin dress

Are you wondering how to get motivated with your work, routines, or responsibilities?

Do you want practical tips to help you push through that resistance and get things done?

You’ve got work to do, but you’re feeling uninspired, bored, and perhaps even a bit lazy.

It’s not that you don’t want to get your work done.

But you’re just not feeling motivated enough to take action.

While we’re all allowed a break from our work every now and then, a continual lack of motivation can cause havoc with your schedule.

The more you ignore your work, the more time will pass.

And we all know what happens after that…minutes turn into days, and weeks roll into months, maybe even years!

In this post, you’ll find a couple of ways to get motivated and take action, without letting another minute pass you by.

Get your body moving.

Do you tend to sit a lot during the day? If so, you’re missing out on what we humans were designed to do: move!

Putting your body in motion may help jump-start your mind when it comes to getting things done.

You could walk around your home or office, head outside for a brisk walk, stretch your arms, legs, and body, or have an impromptu dance party and boogie on down to your favorite songs.

Amplify the excitement in your work.

No matter what type of work you do, there’s always ways to make it more appealing…and intriguing.

All you have to do is keep an open mind.

Try taking stock of the things that excite you, thrill you, perhaps even scare you…just a teeny bit when it comes to your work.

What’s exciting about the project, assignment, or task you are working on right now? Are you learning new things while you work? Will you try out new software programs or tools?

Are you looking forward to meeting your favorite presenter or speaker? Maybe you’re just excited about doing something for the first or 50th time!

If things are still looking bleak, could you make a little modification to your work to make it more appealing?

Maybe you could try out that new productivity app you’ve had your eye on for weeks?

How about looking into collaborating with a colleague whom you admire?

What about finally putting to use that brand-new set of office supplies at your desk?  

Set an irresistible reward for yourself.

There’s nothing like setting a satisfying reward for yourself, doing your work, and then thoroughly enjoying said reward.

Consider setting a reward that’s wonderful and irresistible, that you can’t wait to get your work done so you can savor it.

What would motivate you to finish your work? It doesn’t have to be a “big thing.” Simple pleasures work just as well.

Would buying a new music album excite you? How about going to a live concert with a friend?

What about going for a long walk on your favorite trail with your dog? How about eating a tasty snack?

How about spending some time reading a book by your favorite author? What about doing absolutely nothing?

How about you? How are you going to motivate yourself? Join the conversation and leave a comment below!

5 Unexpected Things You Need to Organize a Work Notebook Mockup
About the Author


Rashelle Isip is a New York City-based productivity consultant who helps successful entrepreneurs and business owners manage their time and energy so they can reduce stress, work less, and make more money in their businesses. She has been featured in Fast Company, Forbes, NBC News, The Washington Post, NPR, and The Atlantic. Get her free guide, 5 Unexpected Things You Need to Organize a Work Notebook, by clicking here.


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